Dec 13, 2013 | Uncategorized

Certified Audits and Tax Preparation–IBs, CPOs, Broker Dealers, FCMs, Hedge Funds–Schedule Now

The National Futures Association has increased the late fees for submission of its regulatory filing to $1000.00 each business day late for IBs and FDMs.  This makes the late fee more consistent of those of FCMs.

It is very important to engage a firm to perform audits as early as possible.  Doing so allows for preliminary work to occur.  It allows auditors to review information that may cause a delay or issues later, when time is critical.  Questions and issues resolved prior to year end can result in quicker turn around, increased efficiency, and potentially lower cost.

Take advantage of this opportunity now.  If you have questions as to whether a year end audit is required, do not hesitate to contact or call directly 630-351-8942.