Oct 22, 2012 | News

Free Compliance Workshop

Mike Coglianese to Host
Compliance Workshop
Michael Coglianese CPA, P.C. will be hosting a complimentary Compliance Workshop at the Emerging Managers Forum hosted by the CTA Expo on Thursday, December 13, 2012 at the Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach. Mike will be discussing all the new rules and regulations now implemented from the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act. It will be an open forum where questions are welcome and encouraged.
Mike Coglianese has been servicing the futures and hedge fund industry

for over 25 years. As a former NFA Auditor, Mike knows the intricacies of the ever-changing regulatory environment. If you would like to attend the Compliance Workshop on December 13th and/or would like a one on one consultation with Mike, please email admin@cogcpa.com.