Feb 05, 2019 | Events

Upcoming Regulatory Workshops for CPOs, CTAs, FCMs, FDMs, and IBs

The NFA will be hosting two regulatory workshops specifically for Commodity Pool Operators, Commodity Trading Advisors, Introducing Brokers, Futures Commission Merchants, and Forex Dealer members.  One will be on February 25th in Chicago and the other in New York on February 27th.

The Chicago Workshop will be held at Summit Chicago and New York’s Workshop will be held at the New York Marriott Downtown.

The Workshop will feature two sessions.  The 1st is open to all NFA Members and will cover Cybersecurity and the recent amendments to it.  It will also include an industry panel discussion.  The second session will cover the recent interpretive notice regarding internal controls for CPOs along with other recent NFA Initiatives.

The fee to attend the workshop is $150.00 per person.  Payment is required at the time of registration.

For more information and to register, click here.